Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Work choices are now dead

I would like to congratulate our government on finally enacting the single most retrograde piece of legislation I can remember. They have managed to shift Australia back in time to the beginning of the 20th century and make us a laughing stock for the rest of the world.
We live within a global village and indeed one that is under significant financial stress. There is increasing unemployment and decreasing discretionary income yet our leaders believe we still only need to work Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Any work outside of these hallowed hours is deemed so onerous that the severest of wage penalties apply.
When Kennett’s 24/7 wage parity applied we employed thousands of part time people in the hospitality industry in Victoria, costs remained stable to the weekday pricing model and business boomed. People could make a dollar, they could spend that dollar and the whole cycle worked.
Now, opening a hospitality business on Sunday is at best, marginal. Tourism is closing down because business can’t afford to open or they have to surcharge their bill. No part time work, no discretionary income and no dollar cycle, yet our leaders still exhibit their 9 to 5 mentality.
May I suggest that we bring these hard times on ourselves by enacting legislation such as this whilst listening to those who ignore the needs of business and the dollar cycle.
We are part of the world and that world runs 24/7. What stupidity allows us to think otherwise.

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