Apart from a personal disgust at Ms Thorp’s recent behaviour
purportedly speaking for all Australians as an elected Senator, it seems she is
also guilty of sedition which is a punishable offence. Even giving her the benefit of doubt
regarding her statement ‘not my King’ which at a pinch could be seen as a
personal view [albeit uninformed and misguided], her statement ‘not OUR King’
is far far more serious because she has made that statement as a senator and as
a representative of Australian peoples.
This is plain and simple sedition or ‘conduct or
speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state
or monarch.’ Indeed, her screaming
rant was designed to bring OUR lawful sovereign into ‘hatred and contempt and
to promote ill will’ in an attempt to advantage one group of people. Her actions were racist, divisive and
promoted sedition.
Our law states that a person who engages in sedition with
the intention of causing violence, creating public disorder or a public
disturbance, is guilty of an indictable offence punishable on conviction by
imprisonment for not longer than 3 years.
It’s worth noting that our constitution and supporting ‘Law
of The Land’ applies to us all in that there is no separate indigenous law or
Sharia law or any other so called law.
We all live in Australia as Australians and should be damned proud of
it. If this doesn’t fit your moral or
ethical values then perhaps Australia is not for you.
Ms Thorpe’s 5 year old screaming hate filled explicative driven
rhetoric has no place anywhere, let alone being delivered as a representative
for and behalf of all Australians.
Her demonstrated behaviour is obnoxious and she does not
deserve to be a senator.
Where are the adults?
The question is not about the moronic behaviour of one
misguided politician in a treasonous outburst.
It is about that it can happen at all and then her denying she agreed to
an oath of allegiance to Australia’s head of state and justifying her spurious claims
by saying she actually pledged allegiance to the Crown’s ‘hairs’, not
‘heirs’. If this wasn’t so serious it
would be a joke as it’s at shows the intelligence level of a 5 year old.
And yes, I believe it is treason as she has attempted to
overthrow our government as an elected official in our parliament house by
denying our head of state is in fact our head of state. This is not a political comment but a
statement of fact. Worse, the language
she used was not only inappropriate but demeaning to herself and to all
Australian peoples.
Is this person the best we can do? She is divisive, racist and ignores facts to
suit her own misguided rhetoric. Even
forget for a moment the confused and error ridden message she screamed, the
demonstrated lack of respect for ‘our’ King [once again not a political
statement but a fact] demeans us all.
She is attempting to overthrow our system of Government by
using ‘free speech’ as a treasonous weapon and maybe be subject to section 80.1
of the criminal code act of 1995 with life imprisonment. Personally, I find the whole saga abhorrent
and she needs to be removed from our government as she is a disgrace to all
Once removed, let ‘the law of the land’ prevail as it should
for all peoples holding Australian citizenship and indeed anyone lucky enough
to be on Australian soil. This
‘belonging’ is a gift and a privilege and is not to be demonised by anyone with
a brain – mouth disconnect.
She is attempting to racially divide Australia through false
rhetoric screamed at length and in the process breaching her signed oath of
allegiance to our King. It is obnoxious.
Screaming achieves zero and Australian’s [each and every one
of us] reputations have suffered globally.
When do the adults enter the room?