Tuesday, October 13, 2020


 There is something intrinsically and inherently wrong with any manager who is responsible for other people’s money failing to take responsibility and validate the spending process.  A manager does not just spend a few million dollars without exact validation from those in charge.  Doing so is criminal. 

With Andrews spending millions of dollars of our money on private contractors in hotel quarantine there can be no ‘creeping assumptions’ as to who actually ticked the ‘spend’ box.  This is not play time, there are millions of dollars of our money seemingly spent for no reason as the ADF were offered for nothing and 800 are dead.

This is not a political statement, it is a comment on the appalling management and consequent mal administration of the hotel quarantine program in Victoria.  Circa 800 innocent people lost their lives as a direct result of that mal administration.

If a manager did that in the private sector they would most probably be charged with fraudulent funds misappropriation but at the very least fired for stupidity.  With Andrews it seems that level of mismanagement is accepted as the norm.  Funds misappropriation and stupidity are accepted.

Politicians are good at getting elected and convincing us lemmings that they are strong, honest, knowledgeable and able.  Remarkably, even in the face of proven disaster contradicting all those attributes, some will ignore incompetence and continue supporting obvious stupidity.  After the Royal Commission into banking many many CEO’s and executives and board members were forced to fall on their sword.  Yet, Andrews survives.  How?

Any acceptance of a ‘creeping assumption’ should immediately trigger replacement of the entire management team for incompetence leading to mal-administration and also trigger civil and criminal investigation leading to charges.  Remember at stake there are millions of dollars and sadly circa 800 lives lost.

This is serious.  Monetary losses alone will top a trillion dollars, many people are dead, there are major issues with decreasing mental health and our country is going backwards thanks to Andrews mismanagement.

Just today NSW and VIC have almost the same number of cases yet NSW is firing on all fronts whilst Vic suffers draconian lockdown measures at the behest of Andrews and his incompetent management team.  For example NSW has a 2sqm rule for outside dining and a 4sqm rule for inside dining.  We have take home only with dining in prohibited!  26 weeks of lockdown for Victoria after Andrews bungled management

The cost to Victoria in lost productivity will be literally trillions.

A new management team is mandatory!

Monday, October 12, 2020

Lock down in Victoria - government in fear

 The Andrews government in Victoria is responsible for some 800 deaths [800 of the 900 for the whole of Australia!], billions of dollars of debt for Victoria and Australia and the bankrupting of thousands of small business.  As every part of ‘Australia’ faced the same pandemic it is indeed obvious that Victoria’s failures were specific to Victoria and Andrews.

Obviously, Andrews and his key advisors [the memory lapse 8 et alia] lacked or knowingly suppressed [for private political agenda reasons as no one in their right mind kills 800 people!] the necessary intellect to construct the correct course of action remembering the rest of Australia was and is fine.

Victoria failed.

Indeed the facts were known and there were worldwide precedents to learn from yet Andrews ignored those facts and the second wave was born out of the mal-administration of hotel quarantine.   Apart from his lack of cognition choosing the wrong course of action Andrews and his so called team couldn’t step back and deal with the outbreak at an intellectual level [thus affecting success] but instead choosing to display a complete lack of actual intelligence with knee jerk ‘rules’ set at random without validation by experts.

Fear had set in.  Fear at government level is dangerous as the action of conation drives knee jerk actions based on that fear rather than intellect driving ‘step back’ thought.  The four modes in this respect are determine real facts, take quick action to halt dysfunction, implement long term fixes and follow through reforming and adapting on the way.  Not rocket science.

The federal government analysed the global situation, closed the borders and set in train the need to quarantine those seen at risk.  The same federal government also offered expert support to enable the states to deal with the quarantine thereby taking care of the first two management issues. 

Australia at this point seemed to be leading the world in decisive action so now it was up to the states to implement and follow through the quarantine process.  People were dying all over the world so the need for urgent action was critical but driven by cognition and intellect.

Victoria failed. 

Instead of implementing successful strategies with the support of the federal government as did the other states, Victoria decided to spend a few more million contracting private untrained security guards to monitor the quarantine process.  The result being some 800 deaths from a 99+% certainty those deaths were the result of maladministration of that private security.  Cognition and intellect had taken a back seat.

Now, fear had really set in but with rampant obfuscation, politicisation and blame shifting.  Those in charge were out of their depth both cognitively and intellectually.  Sheer panic and the fear of being blamed drove Andrews to want to be seen as the saviour instigating knee jerk curfews, travel restrictions et alia all the while the wearing of masks, social distancing and basic hygiene were proven to be the most effective anti-covid measures.  The Andrews lockdown is causing thousands of bankruptcies and significant mental health issues which has and is decimating our state.  No other state has chosen Victoria’s so called remedy because their systems were in place using the federal government’s offered support.  No out of control ego, no empty rhetoric just cognitive action driven by intellect.

Victoria failed and it’s cost Australia some $14 billion dollars and 800+ deaths.  This so dysfunctional and punctuated by the fact that NSW has more cases than us but is open and thriving.  NSW manages the outbreak whilst we have a dearth of cognitive intellect.