Monday, February 24, 2025

A place to be ….

The single most important life enhancer we have as a human being is to create our own personal nurturing space more commonly known as ‘the bolt hole’.  This could be a 20 bedroom mansion or a caravan somewhere nice - doesn’t matter!!  Indeed, it owns us and we own it because we are attuned to that spot.  It’s ours, somewhere safe to foster and encapsulate deep relaxation and thought.

Why a place to be?  The human condition demands a place to think, fathom the unfathomable and to accept where we are and where we want to be.

We emerge from our chrysalis state out of said bolt hole and metamorphosis into our future where thinking and planning come to fruition and we embrace life.  Stand up straight, take a deep breath and go out and play!  Wow.

But, like all of life, beware the usurper with a personal agenda to disrupt our metamorphosis for their own nefarious ends.  Horrible people obviously without a place to be.  Ignore them with a smile whilst taking that deep breath.

We all need a place to be and it’s not under a bridge!

Turning 8 ‘a tangle of boys’


Wow, not 7 anymore, now I am 8 and obviously grown up.  Grown up enough to have heckled Dad for months to drive myself and a around 8 others to Luna Park where fairy floss and hot dogs could be consumed all at once before rides which hopefully would not tempt the contents of my stomach to deliver the second coming.

It all started well until Dad’s company car died and he was presented with a Hillman Minx as a temporary replacement.  The Minx was half the size.  No longer could we fit 5 kids across the back bench seat with Dad and another 4 smelly boys in the front. No seat belts – no issue.

But in the spirit of collective insanity 8 boys were delivered to our home by not-so-keen fathers after seeing the magnificent Minx.

We all fitted.  The back seat became a veritable tangle of 6 boys all practicing for the national ‘passing of wind’ competition.  An experience to remember.  Needless to say Dad’s window was always down as he inched his nostrils towards clean air freedom and he had another 3 boys with him in the front determined also to keep the ‘passing of wind’ practice alive or, dead.  Something must have died in the car, surely.

Still we got to Luna Park and spilled out of the Minx only to be confronted by, ‘heaven’.  Hot dogs, fairy floss and coke all to be consumed at once and at speed in the hope for more of the same.   Then the ghost boat ride which frightened the crap out of us but never never admitted it followed by the spinning room where the floor disappeared whilst we were glued to the wall and then the Big Dipper.  Stomach, not too bad but tender.  Next, the moving floor required balance and lots of personal movement.  This spelt trouble but bravado won through. Sort of.

Dad, in his infinite wisdom, could see the complexion change of 9 boys from sort of suntanned to ghostly pale and he knew it had nothing to do with the ghost train.  Oops. The inside of the borrowed Minx was in trouble.  Funny how 9 smelly boys went quiet-ish.

I remember Dad asking us, with smirk, if we wanted anything more to eat and we just looked at him in disbelief.  Couldn’t he see we were slowly dying?

After a brief colour returning respite sitting on the footpath outside Luna Park we bundled back into the mighty Minx for the ride home.  The out of control very loud tangle had turned into a messy but quiet jumble looking forward to standing on solid not moving ground.  

What a day!  Turning 8 with a bang and that memory has survived 69 years.  Wahoo.

Trump, a lost little boy


Why has Trump now become a Putin puppet and mouthpiece?

It’s so obvious it’s ridiculous.  Just 3 examples in the last few days …

Putin wants to get rid of Zelenskyy  [as is his habit of ‘removing’ strong opposition].  But this time it’s Trump doing Putin’s bidding trying to remove Zelenskyy by lying about his approval rating of 4% when it’s actually 57%.  Active disinformation to create unrest in someone else’s sovereign nation. This is designed to incite rebellion and is just plain sedition and carries a gaol term.  Why?

Putin desperately wants to be seen as the victim so as to avoid sanctions on Russia.  To achieve that, Trump now agrees with Putin that Ukraine started the invasion / war despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.  Trump is obviously a liar in full knowledge of the facts and is attempting to support Russia’s illegal invasion.  Why?

Putin and Trump want to control everything as any despot does. Therefore Zelenskyy was deliberately excluded from ‘talks’ between Trump and Putin regarding his country, Ukraine.  This is beyond stupid.  Trump has become a ‘boot licker’ to Putin.  Why?  Ego’s abound.

Key question .. ‘Why has the USA as a past pillar of democracy now embraced communism by supporting a pariah communist state controlled by someone whose political opposition just disappears or is landed in gaol without valid charge?’  Trump is now supporting Russia’s invasion of a sovereign state.  Why, apart from ego wanting to be seen as equal to Putin, are his motives?

How about a million dead as a direct result of the invasion and a country in ruins which will cost billions and decades to remedy quite apart from say nuclear fallout from recent attacks on Chernobyl.  Putin has threatened to drop his mega bomb in the English channel which will take out England, France, Norway, Denmark and every country with a water frontage.  This is unhinged as obviously Russia would be immediately decimated by NATO leaving China to assume ‘the world’ free and clear.  Where’s Trump?  A little boy lost trying to blame anyone else, spreading disinformation and playing golf.  ‘Not me, never lost an election, do you want a pardon, I didn’t mean it, where’s my MAGA cap?’

 Unfortunately this is not a joke.