Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Is there such a thing as ‘retirement’?  Is ‘ceasing to work’ a good life thing?  Do I turn off my ‘lifetime of work’ brain?  How much bad golf can I endure?  Will my new 24 / 7 family life spring up communication unknowns?  Am I too old to contribute?  How long can I both physically and mentally do stuff?  What if I become a burden?  Can I nurse my wife if need be? Will the dog outlive me?

All valid questions as we prepare for a certain and miserable death with years of imagined physical and mental hardships all endured before the final second.  Oh woe is me!

But, and fortunately before death, there is life and even more life.  Life comes first!!  Every moment is precious.  Death is just the microsecond finale of life lived.

There are several great sayings, ‘live for the moment’, ‘planning stops remorse’ and ‘fill every hour with sixty minutes worth of distance run’. 

So, simple, create a staged contingency plan whilst enjoying every moment of actual breathing by doing stuff.  Don’t turn off the work brain as it won’t anyway, get golf lessons, be nice to the dog and stand up straight whilst taking a deep breath and go forth.    Good moments disappear unless we savour them. 

Retire or stop work? Not a chance.

Being able to contribute through ‘work’ is life affirming and stops us becoming age invisible.  Buy a car without tinted windows as it’s not a cocoon or a coffin.   Enjoy the world.

We will all just fall of the perch at sometime hopefully a long way away and in perfect health. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Trump Vance war

America is creating global meltdown through a trade war.

Global exchanges are in turmoil as Trump threatens Tariffs starting tomorrow.  What/if scenarios are being played at stock markets everywhere.  Indeed, American companies have already dropped millions [reported as 1.8%].  There is global unrest over the unpredictability of Trump and his obvious isolationist policies which will trigger global retaliation further hurting the American people. How can one person be allowed to create havoc in a democracy?  Obvious answer is that America has become a dictatorship aligned to communism and other world despots.  Vance and Musk are second tier puppets mimicking their overlord. 

Trump pointing his finger at Zelenskyy whilst yelling over him shows another Trump trait of attempted physical intimidation trying to gain rant ascendency.  This is pathetic and shows he has not advanced beyond a 10 year old learning respect whilst debating.

Monday, March 3, 2025



It got worse.  The Trump / Vance duo of lying stupidity were flexing their 10 year old brains trying to yell down a world leader who was and is doing everything to save his country.  A leader who has actually done something and deserves international recognition, unlike Trump / Vance.  In the face of a million dead through an illegal invasion, the Trump / Vance morons berated Zelenskyy for not wearing a suit yet neither berated Musk for his fashion choices.  Go figure!   This is play pen behaviour and beyond moronic and clearly proves the Trump /Vance morons have redefined narcissism, pronoia and deserve the title, ‘common as muck’.  The ego led disrespect they showed Zelenskyy was a huge blow to being human.

Trump / Vance have obviously taken the communist oath of allegiance working with Putin to aid Russia to illegally invade Ukraine and steal their country. This is gutless and obscene.  It forces the world to view Americans as turncoats dedicated to rising communist isolationism.  And, this is apart from showing any actual intelligence amply demonstrated by constantly shooting the messenger and yelling over the top of others.  This is 10 year old stuff!  Take Trump blaming the police for the capital riots whilst pardoning the dropkicks already sentenced through the courts for proven heinous acts.  I suppose one has to protect one’s supporters evn if they are low life.

America has been a stalwart of democracy since WW2 but has now devolved to ‘less’, ‘much less’.  Pity.  Actual actions no longer match egos.

The EU, along with the rest of the real world, has let this happen because it was easy  with Americans constantly telling us how good they were.  Trump / Vance have exploded that myth.

Russia, North Korea and China are beside themselves with joy and happiness because the Trump / Vance egomanics have kicked over the play pit bucket with multiple juvenile hissy fits moving towards isolationism also fabricated by ‘tariffs’ which have never been successful because governments have been forced to cash support affected industries and prices go up because stuff is dearer to buy.

Where are the big people, the adults who actually understand?

As long as world leaders pontificate at length, obfuscate and offer ‘we must’ statements, dripping with Machiavellian traits [interpersonal manipulation, an indifference to morality, a lack of empathy and a calculated focus on self interest] we are in trouble.

Trump /Vance have devolved to this level and need help to extricate themselves before they start WW3.