Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Making luck at university for Australia

I feel sorry for two groups of people. People who can’t realise their potential because they can’t afford education and Australia, because it wastes that potential.
The sooner everyone realises that our future will not be about digging up stuff and selling it, the better.
Unfortunately moving on from the digging-up-stuff syndrome requires thought and intelligence and people using that intelligence creating new ideas and turning them into something sensible; for the good of Australia.
To get those people they not only need education but they need to apply their expertise to new ideas with commercial results.
Higher education needs to be free-ish to attract potential. It’s a simple fact of life that people with money do not have all the brains. God spread brains around. Unfortunately potential realisation and ability to pay seemed inexorably linked.
Once we accept that we need research and development, leading to anything but digging-up-stuff, we also realise that the only way that’s going to happen is if we focus ­all of our countries brainpower into making it happen.
Now, no one in their right mind would or could just give up time and money just for R&D unless there is a reward.
In this case it’s terrifyingly simple. Create the opportunity for University graduates to add a validated R&D year to their degree in return for cancellation of HEX fees and international recognition.
Obviously it’s not a ‘swan around’ year and would need to be controlled. But what an opportunity!
Imagine groups of students at their learning and cognitive best focused in groups for 12 months just to develop new ideas and perhaps turn those ideas into commercial reality.
Thousands of brains making luck. Wow.

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