Tuesday, March 19, 2024

I HAD ONE OF THOSE - #16 VW beetle


Quite a few years ago I was minding my own business in a Porsche 911 going way way too fast near the Queensland border.  Unfortunately, and unbeknown to me, I was being tracked by a police plane which resulted in me buying a push bike.  In order to keep within the law I [after license replacement] bought a 1958 VW beetle which would only do 103kmph down hill with a tailwind.  This was a ‘fun’ car and semi indestructible.  Named the 'fluffy duck' by a service station attendant primarily because he was yellow. Indeed, the kids could play havoc on the back vinyl bench whilst I concentrated on finding gears with the too floppy gearstick.  Sometimes, any gear would do!  The front window 1/4 vents also proved invaluable to move vast quantities of air from the front seats backwards over very smelly kids who unfortunately thought passing wind was a national sport.  Indeed, it even had a surfboard on the roof – permanently of course as actually using same was never a sane plan. Inside, there was always a pseudo sand pit growing from lots of sandy feet but fortunately, the area was self cleaning as rust had managed to provide drain holes / air vents through which sand cascaded and small items of excruciating kids importance disappeared forever.  Indeed, no point in macho drags at traffic lights as the car taught and demanded humility, acquiescence and mind numbing patience.  Eventually I sold it to the local policeman and bought a Ferrari but in hindsight, the beetle was far more fun! 

[1 of 27 vignettes trolled from a history of cars owned and driven]

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