Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Ms Lidia Thorpe and alleged sedition

Apart from a personal disgust at Ms Thorp’s recent behaviour purportedly speaking for all Australians as an elected Senator, it seems she is also guilty of sedition which is a punishable offence.  Even giving her the benefit of doubt regarding her statement ‘not my King’ which at a pinch could be seen as a personal view [albeit uninformed and misguided], her statement ‘not OUR King’ is far far more serious because she has made that statement as a senator and as a representative of Australian peoples.

This is plain and simple sedition or ‘conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.’  Indeed, her screaming rant was designed to bring OUR lawful sovereign into ‘hatred and contempt and to promote ill will’ in an attempt to advantage one group of people.  Her actions were racist, divisive and promoted sedition.

Our law states that a person who engages in sedition with the intention of causing violence, creating public disorder or a public disturbance, is guilty of an indictable offence punishable on conviction by imprisonment for not longer than 3 years.

It’s worth noting that our constitution and supporting ‘Law of The Land’ applies to us all in that there is no separate indigenous law or Sharia law or any other so called law.  We all live in Australia as Australians and should be damned proud of it.  If this doesn’t fit your moral or ethical values then perhaps Australia is not for you.

Ms Thorpe’s 5 year old screaming hate filled explicative driven rhetoric has no place anywhere, let alone being delivered as a representative for and behalf of all Australians.

Her demonstrated behaviour is obnoxious and she does not deserve to be a senator.

Where are the adults? 


The question is not about the moronic behaviour of one misguided politician in a treasonous outburst.  It is about that it can happen at all and then her denying she agreed to an oath of allegiance to Australia’s head of state and justifying her spurious claims by saying she actually pledged allegiance to the Crown’s ‘hairs’, not ‘heirs’.  If this wasn’t so serious it would be a joke as it’s at shows the intelligence level of a 5 year old.

And yes, I believe it is treason as she has attempted to overthrow our government as an elected official in our parliament house by denying our head of state is in fact our head of state.  This is not a political comment but a statement of fact.  Worse, the language she used was not only inappropriate but demeaning to herself and to all Australian peoples.

Is this person the best we can do?  She is divisive, racist and ignores facts to suit her own misguided rhetoric.  Even forget for a moment the confused and error ridden message she screamed, the demonstrated lack of respect for ‘our’ King [once again not a political statement but a fact] demeans us all.

She is attempting to overthrow our system of Government by using ‘free speech’ as a treasonous weapon and maybe be subject to section 80.1 of the criminal code act of 1995 with life imprisonment.  Personally, I find the whole saga abhorrent and she needs to be removed from our government as she is a disgrace to all Australians.

Once removed, let ‘the law of the land’ prevail as it should for all peoples holding Australian citizenship and indeed anyone lucky enough to be on Australian soil.  This ‘belonging’ is a gift and a privilege and is not to be demonised by anyone with a brain – mouth disconnect.

She is attempting to racially divide Australia through false rhetoric screamed at length and in the process breaching her signed oath of allegiance to our King.  It is obnoxious.

Screaming achieves zero and Australian’s [each and every one of us] reputations have suffered globally.

When do the adults enter the room?

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Major update ...

Following the publication of the below I was attacked by Lady Liz of the Husqvarna Optima 190 appreciation society castigating me for daring to compare horrible electric cars with her beautiful sewing machine by saying her sewing machine ‘has served her faithfully for over 40 years without any problems whatsoever. She [the machine and Lady Liz] have sewn many, many miles of stitches, both straight and narrow and zig-zagged mile upon mile of edging.’ So, rather than tempt the wrath of said seamstress, my euphemistic attempts have morphed to ‘electric ride on mowers’ replacing the ‘nearer to your choice of deity’ Husqvarna..  Yich!

I am conflicted!  Well actually, no I am not.

The Frenzied Lot [FL], with close to zero logic or understanding, want their version of reality and ‘misconstrued fun’ to infect the world.  And, when do they want it?  Now! [Of course].

The FL demand that I capitulate to their idea of a car by ditching ‘Otto’, my beautiful 23 year old classic V12 Mercedes CL600 in favour of a ‘boring as batshit’ sewing machine on wheels electric ride on mower.  An ‘electric vehicle’ as revered by all of like mind.  Unfortunately many like minds do NOT pass muster.

In order ...

1.       Fun.  Yes, fun.  Every day I tootle down to the garage in anticipation of turning the key and listening to Otto’, being my 23 year old Mercedes V12,roar into a life changing growl.  Wow. Just in sheer anticipation alone it’s worth the price of entry.  And, we are still in the garage!

2.       Fun ‘2’.  Let’s face it, in today’s world with speed limits, pot holes and multiple ‘big brothers’ it’s unrealistic to scarper along at 250km per hour.  But, who cares!  All I need to know is that ‘Otto’ can achieve greatness if he so desired.  So, on the open road at 110kmph with the engine barely turning over on cruise control sipping circa 8l per 100 km [35mpg], wallowing in premium leather everything, massage and heated seats on, a mind bending stereo pumping out opera [sorry], the fridge keeping liquid of choice cool and lots of buttons and toys to play with and all at a whisper until, when the urge takes me to pass something.  Noise, speed, bent face and dare I say more fun than you can shake a stick at.  It’s enough to have to pull over and take a deep breath of restorative restitution.  So much for passing but then I can now do it all again.  And, 10 minutes at a petrol station and I can do it all again – again !! Wahoo.

3.       Cost.  Yes, there is a downside.  Otto is a money pit with ageing very very complicated electronics and in-your-face technology sometimes suffering with and from his advanced years.  For example, the computer controlled zero body roll hydraulic suspension is fantastic but repair costs are eye watering as are replacing 24 super expensive tiny spark plugs or a power steering pump which decided to vent its own spleen or a $5 seal on the oil cooler which happens to be in the middle of the engine necessitating engine disassembly or tyres at circa $2k which don’t last long enough.  This is why old ‘super cars’ are cheap-ish to buy but is it worth it?  Absobloodylutely!!   But also remember, ‘EV sewing machines ride on electric mowers’ are also not cheap to produce, run, repair, recycle or indeed just get rid of!

4.       Environment.  This is the greatest con job of all time. According to a British University study on classic cars driving around 20,000km a year, I can drive Otto for 23+ years for the same environmental impact as a new VW Golf sewing machine electric ride on mower  How about that!  I won’t bore you with known science on fossil fuel lithium extraction and real costs of batteries in terms of buggering the planet or the huge costs of dealing with old lithium batteries but, let’s just say the collective moronic hype has overtaken common sense.  

5.       Back to fun.  Life’s too short not to ‘fill every hour with sixty minutes worth of distance run’ [sorry Kipling] so even driving the 9km to work through city traffic is fun.  A daily smile is mandatory – a ‘born again’ psyche enjoying life in spurts. As intimated above, ‘Wahoo’.

6.       Future. Yeah yeah I know.  Fossil fuels are a challenge but so is mining ‘fossil’ lithium and a zillion other ‘issues’ which will be ignored by the FL attempting to justify their position.  The sensible solution for mankind is to develop a renewable cheap bio-fuel which will work in existing petrol-now engines reducing pollution to bugger all.  Then we don’t waste a trillion cars with enormous environmental impact on that trashing. How hard can it be?  Ethanol and hydrogen spring to mind but then I know zip. Perhaps a trillion dollar reward funded by ‘the world’ would jog a few brain cells.

7.       Warning.  Don’t let ‘fun’ pass you by.  Go out and buy an ‘Otto’ even if only for a couple of years.

