Thursday, December 22, 2022


 WE ARE ONE ...  Further thoughts

 The bad ...

Our Victoria Government has achieved squat to address any ’race’ or ‘cultural’ issues other than to support local councils to abandon their duty to welcome new Australians as ‘one’.  This had gotten so bad that at Port Phillip Council they removed all pictures of the Queen and abandoned the yearly Christmas tree because that tree was a symbol of Christianity and may just offend someone.  These idiots have no concept of a democracy. Apart from the fact that just 44% of Australians identify as Christian, it is the largest bunch but for any one group to demand removal of someone else’s ‘history’ speaks of stupidity and woke entitlement.

 Same for the Federal government.  We are all ‘sorry’ that history has treated some with less than egalitarian behaviour but WE cannot accept responsibility because it wasn’t ‘us’ that perpetrated any ‘crimes’.  Keep in mind – different era and different norms driving different acts. 

 Land - the prize in nearly all wars ...

We all own public land yet none of us own any part of it.  Simple.  It is land we all have rights to enjoy and all have responsibilities to protect.  Why?  Because we are mere caretakers for our allotted time on this planet.  Same for our houses.  We struggle to purchase ‘a place to be’ and assume ownership through toil as a matter of pride but, when we shuffle on all bets are off because, we’re dead.  Next.  Indeed, we were mere caretakers.

 But, ‘a place to be’ has far wider ramifications for some because they celebrate ‘belief’ history.  Enter indigenous culture.  I make no assertions as to the validity of those beliefs or even understand other than to say everyone has a right to believe in something.  For some it’s Allah, for some it’s God and for some it’s Dreamtime.  All are valid for the person and all give hope through history and a better future. This is a good thing albeit when one lot says my God is better than yours and then shoots the lesser God person just for their different beliefs, it’s a bad thing.  That fool Putin was deemed ‘the exorcist’ by his own church to eradicate everyone in Ukraine as they were all Nazis and Satanists – an obvious and pre-pubescent excuse for genocide - the ‘lesser God’ scenario and it’s so ridiculous it’s beyond words.

 My lot has also done horrible things over the centuries including the Vikings plundering their area of the world and settling in someone else’s country.  That’s my heritage yet I feel no desire to say ‘sorry’ to the Irish for something I did not do.  As it turns out, my long past history is somewhat violent and we are our history albeit I have little desire to conquer say Tasmania. Why?  Because I actually grew up and at least try to respect everyone else’s beliefs as long as those beliefs don’t propagate hurt.  Iran has seriously blotted their copy book in this regard as we speak as has Putin as has ....

 However, the concept of a ‘place to be’ is strong, and for some, linked to history.  Quite a few cultures have ‘sacred’ sights which may have rock paintings or whatever and need to be preserved but, dare I say,  not owned because we are just caretakers and it is up to all of us to work ‘as one’ to help protect other’s beliefs through the preservation of their history.  No argument possible.  ‘Dignity’ is a key concept because it encompasses both honour and respect.  I personally fail to see the religious connotations of an historic midden but then it’s none of my business other than to help protect that midden because I both honour and respect the beliefs of those that do see significance.  This is ‘we are one’ in real action.  We are all Australian.  Different beliefs, but all Australian protecting our rights to believe with free speech.

 Incidentally, being ‘racist’ is singling out some group as different requiring different actions just because they are different.  The sad thing is that people identified as bad-different tend to devolve to that marginalised archetype. ‘Gangs’ and the displaced all over the world speak this as truth. If we allow ‘the voice’ we are by definition completing a racist act because we see indigenous people as different needing more than other groups.  This is wrong.  Quotas for women in parliament are equally dysfunctional because it demeans women as needing quotas to succeed.  This is also wrong.

Given indigenous representation in parliament  is already above proportional [2.5% of population but 3.1% of parliamentarians] this ‘voice’ for parliament is the most racist bullshit we have constructed out of ‘woke’ diatribe driven by adolescent thinkers.  It’s as bad as ‘quotas’ for anything – demeaning and racist.

 So, what to do?

I know it’s rather trite but treating all people with honour and respect whilst living and breathing the mantra ‘we are one’ is the absolute minimum requirement.  Individuals with different beliefs creating our collective future ‘as one’ because we are ‘all Australian’.  Simple.   We don’t have to like each other and can choose not to interact but we must always honour and respect.  That is until they also blot their copy book.

One success key entails the ‘meaning’ behind the ceremonies on Australia day as they are not past driven but ‘future’ orientated.  A future for people who want to be Australian joining the ranks of the ‘we are one’ where honour and respect for all without any form of race or belief discrimination is paramount.  The spoken words and commitments are important.


It’s nice to be Australian.  

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